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GED Test & PearsonVue


No penalty for a wrong answer!  Attempt all questions, even if guessing.

Minimum Passing Score: 150 per section,  170 or above denotes “Passed with honors.”              

2 re-tests may be attempted.  Additional re-tests require a 60 day wait.
 Sign up to take the GED test CLICK HERE  

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Reasoning Through Language Arts:  54 Questions, 150 Minutes

RLA test focuses on three essential groupings of skills: The ability to read closely, to write clearly to edit and understand the use of standard written English in context. The Extended Response (ER) items, require test-takers to analyze given source texts and use evidence drawn from the text(s) to support their answers. 75% informational texts (including nonfiction drawn from the science and the social studies as well as a range of texts from workplace contexts); 25% literature. RLA includes editing items in an authentic context in which highlighted words or phrases appear in dropdown menus offering alternatives, which include a clear best choice alongside common errors or misconceptions. 

Section 1: Tests All Content (35 minutes)

Section 2: Extended Response (45 Minutes)

10 Minute break between sections 2&3

Section 3: Tests All Content (60 minutes)

Social Studies: 35 Questions, 90 Minutes

Social Studies test focuses on civics & government (50%), United States history (20%), Economics (15%), Geography and the world, (15%). Item types used in the test, include multiple choice, drag-and-drop, hot spot, and fill-in-the-blank. There is also one extended response task that requires test-takers to analyze arguments and use evidence found within brief excerpts from primary and secondary source texts. Will be required to use calculator.

Section 1: Tests All Content (65 minutes)

Section 2: Extended Response (25 minutes)

Science: 34 Questions, 90 Minutes

Science test focuses on Life science (40%), Physical science (40%), Earth and space science, (20%). item types are used in the test, including multiple choice, short answer, drag-and-drop, hot spot, and fill-in-blank.  50% of the items are presented in item scenarios, in which a single stimulus (which may be textual, graphic or a combination of both) serves to inform two to three items. The rest of the items are discrete. Will be required to use calculator. Two short answer responses will be required, spend no more than 10 minutes per answer.

1 test section.

Mathematics:  46 Questions, 115 Minutes

Mathematical Reasoning Test focuses on two major content areas: quantitative problem solving (45%) and algebraic problem solving, (55%). A variety of item types are used in the test, including multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, hot spot, and fill-in-the-blank. Candidates are provided with an on-screen calculator, or students may bring their own Texas Instruments TI-30XS Multiview scientific calculator.

Part 1: First 5 questions NO calculator    Part 2:  41 questions. Calculator OK.